Blue Glass

Training and Development

Boost your leadership skills and your business performance


We Offer The Following Services:

Our Approach:

Defining the Problem

Organizations learn to adopt a new mindset when confronting challenges. Rather than viewing them as intractable and impossible, students become aware of the human capital that already exists within their company and how to leverage local expertise to design low-cost interventions.

Needs Assessment

Organizations learn diagnostic tools to gather data such as company mapping, departmental surveys, and focus groups.

Defining Objectives

Organizations learn how to apply a SWOT analysis and develop SMART goals to organize their ideas and formulate a plan of action.

Crafting a Proposal

Organizations gain the fundamentals of drafting a project budget and timeline. Using the data collected previously, organizations learn how to argue the need for the selected intervention and how to craft a full project proposal to apply for funding.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Organizations learn the importance of evaluating the project results against the established objectives. As a team, they complete group and self-evaluations to continue growing in their roles as leaders. They learn how to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data.

Covid Notice
In this crisis, our first priority is the safety and well-being of those we work with and serve including our customers, employees, suppliers, and partners. For that purpose, we have proactively instituted enhanced cleaning protocols in offices and factories, adopted social distancing, and enforce remote working whenever possible in accordance with regional and national recommendations. In most instances, we have also canceled or postponed appearances at trade shows, travel, and in person sales calls to minimize direct personal contact to help keep everyone healthy.